
Radiator Repairs
If you have a leaking radiator, then we can repair it. From the damage the radiator got when you were travelling behind a vehicle that flicked stones into it to the radiator that has extensive damage from when the fan got pushed up onto it. We see radiator tanks blown apart from something as simple as the right pressure cap on the radiator.We can replace tanks, we can recore your radiator, we can supply you with a complete new radiator and if we can't find a radiator to suit your vehicle then we will manufacture a complete new radiator to suit your vehicles specifications.
When your radiator has been repaired or replaced then you are going to need radiator hoses (to see our full range of radiator hoses click here) and radiator coolant, antifreeze and antiboil (to see our wide range of antifreeze, coolant and antiboil click here).